Monday, 18 May 2015

Explorer Time with no rain!

We've had a few weeks now where rain has interrupted our Explorer Time. We still explore, but it is just a bit trickier! Today though, the sun shone, the wind dropped and we were back to our curious selves. Lots was happening, including the gardens being weeded ready for us to plant our new vegetable seedlings. These photos show three particular activities: carpentry, rock painting and making nature sculptures with the hot glue guns. The Balmoral habit we were focusing on today was 'managing self'.
The carpentry table was a very busy place.

Lots of problem solving had to happen to get pieces of wood to stay joined together.

Interesting structures were made.

The hot glue gunning was fun.

Lots of beautiful creations were made.

There was interesting paper to use as a base for the work.

Lots of intricate designs were thought of.

Here are some of the beautiful creations were made.

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