Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Last Explorer Time of Term Two

Yesterday afternoon was our last Explorer Time for the term. We were very lucky with the weather and the rain stayed away right till the very end. Lots of things were happening, including some scary experiences for baby tomatoes! We are looking forward to trying all sorts of new experiences next term.
Parachutes with cherry tomato passengers. Most survived.

Spade sculptures in the sandpit

Neurons made of playdough

Lots of concentration at the woodwork table

Lots more concentration, and an innovative way to hold the wood steady.

A collaborative effort with the new gears to make a multi-level runway

The proud creators of a wooden boat

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Whetu at the Science Roadshow

This afternoon, all the Whetu classes got to visit the Science Roadshow. We watched two shows, one about electricity and one about the water cycle. Then we got to try out lots of experiments. It was lots of fun and we learnt lots of information we didn't know before.
Some of Room 19 passing electricity through their bodies

Andrew about to drop in the Electromagnetic Chair of Doom

The Air Cannon

Theo on a bed of nails!

Deciding which bits go together

Making digits

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Explorer Time! 16th June!

There were lots of wondering and creating during explorer time. Here are a few photos that captured what we did...

"Our idea started with two windmills....we were able to build a road that only used one leaver to control the whole road.." Miller, Caleb, Nate and Henri.
"There is a guy who drives this machine.It can transform into different modes. These modes are dancing mode, cleaner mode, switch swap car mode and one more that is called flying drill mode." Charlie.

He had a wonderful time!!

Monday, 8 June 2015

Explorer time 9th June

Lots of collaborative working and new skills learnt in the woodworking area.

Explorer Time. 9th June.

This week we have been exploring insects. The children looked closely at Monarch Butterflies, Cicadas and bees. They enjoyed seeing all details through the magnifying lenses.

Nature Journaling at Explorer Time

We were awarded the Beyer Science Fund  this year which has allowed us to buy us a range of magnification tools. Our favourite is the Discovery Scope. We have been able to walk around amongst the nature at our school and look super closely at details. We also bought illustrating tools so that we can record all the observations we make. Check out these detailed water coloured leaves. Children are really enjoying being artists and scientists at the same time.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Explorer Time

Whetu children explored physics as they launched their parachutes.